Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Have you a wish? A wish for knish?

One of the many appealing qualities of Forest Park for my family has always been the history of inclusiveness for other cultures and ethnicities. Before I ever considered moving here, I knew of Forest Park on the basis of its cemeteries, both those that catered to Jewish clientele, and as the resting place of the Haymarket Martyrs, whose history I was drawn to as an undergrad. 
Purple people eater knish!

In a nod to Forest Park's close connection to the Jewish community, I have made knish in a semi-traditional manner. Prior to this project I had zero familiarity with knish, but it's a potato wrapped in dough. I knew it would be good. 

I used a Smitten Kitchen recipe which was easy to follow, producing one of the nicest, most user-friendly doughs I have ever experienced. The filling was purple potatoes from my CSA Purple Leaf Farms, which just ended the season. 

I had a TON of leftover dough, so I made a second half batch of cauliflower with farmer's cheese. Here were the knish waiting for the oven:
Unbaked knish
Since I followed the recipe for the potato knish to the letter, there's no reason to copy & paste here. Go to the source, people: 

Since I have no tradition to adhere to, the variations are endless. I can see adding a little meat, greens, cheese, spices. Maybe a samosa-knish? I may test this out for the Forest Park Community Garden potluck, coming up Sunday November 2nd (you are invited!). Come be a mensch and taste for yourself on Sunday!